Sunday, October 31, 2010

In My Mailbox

Hosted By: The Story Siren
Inspired By: Pop Culture Junkie

The Bloodlight Chronicles: Reconciliation, by Steve Stanton
(from publisher for Green Books Campaign review)
Of Bees and Mist, by Erick Setiawan
(from publisher for TLC Book Tours)
Vixen (The Flappers #1), by Jillian Larkin
(for B&N First Look)

Moondogs, by Alexander Yates
Must you Go? My Life With Harold Pinter, by Antonia Fraser
My Reading Life, by Pat Conroy
(above books requested for personal reviews)

Red Wolf, by Liza Marklund
(requested for review)
Heavenly, by Jennifer Laurens
(gifted from author)

13 To Life, by Shannon Delany
The D.U.F.F., by Kody Koplinger
Misguided Angel (Blue Bloods #5), by Melissa de la Cruz

The Big-Ass Book of Crafts, by Mark Montano
Art Masterpieces to Color, by Dover

The two presents are from my best friends and I love them for it. I'm especially excited about coloring some masterpieces!

I know it may look weird with a few (or more) non-YA books. However, I AM 27 years old and I do enjoy books that aren't YA. ;)


1. Unknown said...

Awesome stash! What a creepy cover BLOODLIGHT CHRONICLES has!!

Here is mine: My post In my mailbox


2. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Awesome, awesome books! I really want to read some of those, especially Of Bees and Mist!

Hope you enjoy!

3. Reading Lassie said...

Wow! You have got a lot of awesome books! I think I am the only who has not read The DUFF yet. Hehe.

Happy reading!

Reading Lassie

4. Unknown said...

Vixen look so awesome! I hope you enjoy all of your new reads!

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