Thursday, August 5, 2010


If you've noticed that I haven't been around much the past few days, you're very observant and I love you for caring that much to notice. You'll probably keep noticing for about another week that I won't be posting as much. Have no fear ... I do plan on participating in the hops since I will be home all weekend. And I will try to post more in the upcoming days, but it won't be as frequent.

Aside from packing for my beach trip with my husband and three of my closest friends, I'm also trying to get my house completely organized. Yes, I know I won't get all of this done ... but, I'd at least like to make a dent in it. After my beach trip, I'm going to start looking for a job again. Nothing big since I do want to start my medical billing/coding courses this Spring, but I need to make some money. While my husband makes enough for us, I can't live with myself just being a housewife. Maybe it's for some people ... just not for me. I was too independent before I got married and that part of me is still alive and well.

So, hopefully things will pick up. I just wanted to let you know. Next Thursday I'll be heading out, but have no worry because I have already started on some scheduled posts to keep this blog active while I'm gone. =)


1. Emily said...

It definitely sounds like you've got a lot on your plate- have a safe trip and enjoy your vacation!

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