Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blog Awards!

I am absolutely THRILLED to say that I have been awarded FOUR blogger awards within the past two weeks -- something I've only regretfully gotten to now because of my extreme lag, thanks to my overhaul of work right after my vacation. Boo for reality after such a relaxing vacation! ;) However, one thing that's a delight to come back to is the book blogging world, and it's a treat to be awarded for something I enjoy so much!

This cute award is from Three Cheers For Literacy!! It is to be passed onto five other people. So, I'll be passing to:

Speaking of Melissa, she gave me an award as well... and I love it! So, a big thank you to Melissa - everyone should check out her blog!

The rules are simple thank the person who gave it to you with a link back in your post, and send this on to fellow bloggers who rock this summer. List 4 rocking bloggers to share this with, and post a note to them through their comments.

I'm passing this award to:

Yesterday, I received the One Lovely Blog Award from Maddie at Confessions of a Teen Bookaholic. I'm thrilled because I heart my blog (that I slaved over codes with for hours) and I'm pretty pleased with how the colors turned out.

So, here's how the award works:
1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.

And the fifteen lovelies I have chosen (in no particular order) are:

Lastly, the Versatile Blogger Award was rewarded to me by Liz at Midnight Bloom Reads. I always love getting this award ... and I'm as happy to receive it this time as I was the first. Thanks so much, Liz .. you're wonderful!!

Here is how the award works:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

My seven things?
1. Book reviewing/blogging has gone from a hobby to part of me.
2. I was put in a bad place when I found out that coastal restaurants have all stopped getting oysters because of the oil spill. Boo!
3. I watch Nascar racing and was a huge Dale Earnhardt Sr fan. I'm trying to be a dedicated fan to his son, but it's just not working out.
4. The only way my husband would be any more irresistible would be if he was immortal. Seriously, that's his only flaw to me. ;)
5. I collect cook books and am putting together a huge binder of all my loose recipes. This may take me years.
6. I love to craft. A lot.
7. My cat has just recently reached his ideal weight goal of 9.5 lbs. This time two years ago, he was 23 lbs. It's been a long, emotionally draining ride for us both, but we finally made it!

Now, the bloggers:


1. Najela said...

Wow... thank you for the award. I'm so surprised. :3

2. Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Dawwwww Namesake!

Thank you so much! This is a great award post! Shows how awesome you really are!

3. Elle said...

Thanks so much for the award! And congratulations to you on yours! :D

4. Midnight Bloom said...

Congrats on your many awards Missy... and thanks so much for the award!! :)

5. Amanda said...

Wow, congratulations on all your awards, and thank you for passing one of them on to me. :D

6. Melissa (Books and Things) said...

You have lots of awards there and you deserve them! Thanks for mine. That is so sweet. But then again... anyone with the nickname of Missy HAS to be sweet. ;)

7. Jamie said...

Thanks so much, Missy!

8. Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Congrats on all the awards!! You deserve it!! Thank you so much for passing the one lovely blog award on to me :)

9. Twimom227 said...

Congratulations on all of your lovely awards! And thank you for passing one on to me! Happy reading!

10. Stephany said...

Awww! Thank you for the award!!! I am SOOOOO surprised!!! I am new to this blogging world, so getting this award means so much to me! Thanks again!

11. danya said...

Thanks so much for passing this award on to me! I wasn't even aware of the Summer Blogger Award so it was such a pleasant surprise :D Also congrats on all your awards!

12. Anonymous said...

Thank You!

13. Unknown said...

Congrats and thanks for the award. A very nice surprise.

14. Rachel said...

Thanks so much for the One Lovely Blog Award!! It really means alot. :)

15. Unknown said...

Congratulations! for all the awards you received. And thanks for such s lovely award. I'm honored. =)

16. Danny said...

Congrats!! What two weeks hu? :) Thanks so much for including the Bookworms *claps hands*

17. Deepali said...

Wow Congrats for winning so many awards :)
Thank you for passing on the Summer Blogger Award to me! Its such a nice surprise!

18. Belinda said...

Thanks for the reward and congrats on getting a bunch of them for yourself! :D

19. Bookingly Yours said...

heeeey congratulations and thanks for passing the award to me!

Sorry i know this is tooo late, been busy with work and everything! I'm picking up this award right now and thanking you again for this!!

Oh, i know what you mean about not able to do the book challenges. That was my first too that hopefully I'll be able to finish through September!


20. Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Hee hee.. you ready for another award? I think it is one you haven't gotten yet. :)

Books and Things

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