Thursday, August 26, 2010

$40 Giveaway from CSN Stores!

As most of you know, I did a review for CSN stores a couple of weeks ago. I got another e-mail the other day asking if I'd like to review another product or host a giveaway. My first thought was "Share with my followers," so I'm hosting the giveaway. What can you get? A $40 gift certificate!¹

CSN stores have a ton of items, from kitchen tables (where I spend most of my time cooking, writing, chatting, etc) to coffee tables to bookshelves, lighting, and more. Honestly, they have 20o+ stores ... I could go on forever! You just need to go and check it out for yourself.

Giveaway: Entering for this is simple! One, you have to be a follower of this blog. Once you're a follower, fill out the form below and click, "Submit." You're officially entered to win!

This contest will end on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 11:00pm (EST) and is open to US entrants only. Sorry! All entries must be in by then. The winner will be announced shortly after that.

Good luck, guys!

¹ Gift certificate does not include shipping costs. However, a lot of items in stores do offer free shipping.


1. Eden said...

Thanks so much! I would happier than you'd know if I won!!

2. Smash Attack Ash said...

Thanks for this great giveaway!

3. Elizabeth said...

Just hopping your side panel and header.

Stop by my blog if you get a chance for reviews on I'd Know you Anywhere by Laura Lippman, Saving Cee Cee Honeycut by Beth Hoffman, and many others.

Happy Hopping, Everyone....hop on over to my blog to see my answer to the rating question.

4. Children Teaching Mama said...

Thanks! I found you just in time. :)

5. Nancy's Daily Dish said...

I love CSN stores! this would be great to win...I have several items on my wish list now and would probably apply this to a rug! thanks for the opportunity!


6. MrsPhilipswithoneL said...

I found you through an email I just received from CSN. I love your blog it is beautiful. I subscribed by email so that I can read more. If you get a chance I would love for you to check out my blog also.
Having Fun Blogging

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