Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 Days of Insight

I saw this 30 Days of Insight idea on the Lost in YA Wonderland blog a few days ago. Since I don't do much on Sundays, I figured I'd start this. The 30 days are as follows:

Day 01- Guilty pleasure.
Day 02- Something that inspires you.
Day 03- The five songs you would have with you on a desert island and why.
Day 04- What you imagine paradise to be like.
Day 05- A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life.
Day 06- Earliest thing you can remember.
Day 07- Favorite cover of your favorite song.
Day 08- Someone you think would make a good president.
Day 09- Five things you want to see change.
Day 10- A dream you had this past week described in detail.
Day 11- Favorite picture ever taken of yourself.
Day 12- Your favorite musical artist’s life story.
Day 13- A memory that never fails to make you laugh.
Day 14- Best mashup you’ve ever heard.
Day 15- A moment, phrase, or song that has changed your life the most.
Day 16- Something that you want to do within the next five years.
Day 17- What you want to be remembered for.
Day 18- A picture that makes you feel.
Day 19- A passage from a book that has touched you.
Day 20- A band that you immediately liked and the song that made you like them.
Day 21- Your favorite medium of art.
Day 22- Someone you would give your life up for without question.
Day 23- Most awkward first impression you feel you’ve ever given.
Day 24- Something you did as a child that other people remember you for.
Day 25- Something you would do if no one stopped you or if you knew you wouldn’t fail.
Day 26- Your definition of love.
Day 27- Your definition of the meaning of life.
Day 28- A moment you remember being completely happy in and a description of why you believe you were. What is your definition of happiness?
Day 29- What you live for.
Day 30- Ways you believe you have grown over the past thirty days.

Today, being Day 01 for me, is guilty pleasures. I have too many to count - so we're just going to go with the ones that I think matter the most to me. ;)

Vampires. I think this one should be a "duh" for me. Vampires are the reason I started reading so much. I love the idea of immortality, super speed, super strength, heightened senses and, overall, night time! Oh, and did I mention immortality??

Lords of the Underworld. They're not vampires, but they're immortals ... and I love them just the same. Showalter has combined paranormal romance with the mythology that I love the most. What's not to love?

Sun-Drop. I live in North Carolina. Typically, you have to be a Carolinian to know about the carbonated and caffeinated deliciousness that is Sun-Drop. There's also Cherry Lemon Sun-Drop and Cheerwine. All three I could marry. This is why I can't completely cut out sodas from my diet.

Music. Specifically, electronic music. Happy hardcore. Club music. Techno. I have never been a self-proclaimed raver, but I fully support raves. Best music ever. And, OMG ... glowsticks! Two things that I love mixed together to make a happily entranced Missy.

Neurotically Yours. I am a closet pessimist, so Foamy relates to the part of me that I try to grumble about and keep to myself. Seriously, all the social issues you want to gripe about ... Foamy does. Check out the site, you'll understand.

Halloween. Night time ... dressing up ... candy ... scary stories ... vampires and other creatures of the night. Need I say more? I think I need to say "dressing up" again for dramatic emphasis.

Johnny Depp. Obviously, I was saving the best for last. What's not to love about Johnny Depp? He's truly the most talented actor of our time, he's a great musician, and he's a humanitarian. Then there's the whole thing of being the sexiest guy alive!! Everything he does, I love. Johnny can do no wrong in my eyes.

So, there it is. My favorite guilty pleasures. Feel free to tell me yours!!


1. Speech Delay Mamma said...

Love vampires too! I might join in on the 30 Days of Insight too. Great post.

2. Lisa said...

I'm doing this as well and Halloween was on my list too! It's by far my favorite time of the year.

3. rlk43 said...

I'm also doing the 30 Days of Insight. Music was on mine 2 :)

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