Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bad Day; Sorry Guys!

I know I promised a review tonight, but I'm afraid it will have to wait until tomorrow night. Why? I'm simply too physically and emotionally drained to do one tonight. Early this morning, my husband's cat passed away. While it seems silly to some, I'm mourning because he was a huge part of our family and our hearts. I adopted him for my husband (then boyfriend) when he lost his cat to feline AIDS. He didn't die of old age and his last hours were not his best. As his primary caretaker, I stayed up for him for a while before snuggling him comfortably in his bed and letting nature take its course. Through lack of sleep, crying, burial, and other family things ... my body has been drained to its limit. I apologize to anyone that may read this blog. I feel horrible, but it's killing me to stay up long enough to finish this small little post. I hope everyone has a wonderful night and I promise the review will be up later tomorrow.


1. Anonymous said...

Oh Missy,
I'm so sorry to hear that. I've a 13-year-old cat myself and, yes, cats are part of the family. All my best to you and your husband.

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